dilluns, 26 d’octubre del 2009

La Brama.

Dissabte i diumenge immers per engorjats corriols pirinencs vestits de tardor, quan som al punt àlgid, amb generositat; les valls de l’Alt Pallars queden en calma, silencioses espectadores dels diaris i alhora subtils canvis més coloristes, brillants i vius que a qualsevol altre època de l’any; amb un final en forma d’encisadores catifes.

I de fons... la brama!!

51 comentaris:

Amkiel ha dit...

La tardor prepara una catifa de fulles per donar la benvinguda a l’hivern que es desfà d’amor per la primavera que s’engalana amb flors enlluernada per un estiu que se’n va deixant les portes de la pluja i el vent obertes.

Assumpta ha dit...

Alex, Alex, Alex, Aleeeex!!! Adoro aquesta cançó de la Nina Simoneee!! M'encantaaaaa!!! Uaaaaaau!!

Què dir de les fotos? ESPECTACULARS!!! Me les quedo totes!! ;-))

Carme Rosanas ha dit...

M'encanten aquestes fotos!

Jo també me les quedaria...

Per la capçalera del blog en temps de tardor... quedaria preciosa!

Jordi ha dit...

Company, quines fotos! M'agrada molt la capçalera. La tardor de vegades és trista pel caure de les fulles... no sé, és com sinónim de mort (o de no-vida). A més el fred que comença a fer també hi contribueix...

Ah! Porta fulles per guarnir el Liceu!

neus ha dit...

uf... quines fotos tan esplèndies Àlex!! me les quedaré totes!!! i la cançó també. I la brama també!!

Alex. ha dit...

Amkiel, ho he llegit uns quants cops... i no me'n canso!!!

Assumpta, m'alegra que t'agradi... de veritat!!!

Carme, gràcies; encara penso en els teus Plans, a tocar de la Roca Cigalera.

Jordi, la tardor no és melancolia, ni tristor, és una de les maneres més belles que té la natura de morir.

Elur, gràcies. No sé quan, però, et caurà un post!!!

A tots. Estic fent un curs de GPS als vespres, durarà varies setmanes, intentaré no oblidar el bloc.

Assumpta ha dit...

Què és un Curs de GPS? :-))

Bé, sigui el que sigui, que aprenguis molt i... treguis molt bona nota ;-))

neus ha dit...

tot i que no me'l mereixo... ja tinc ganes de veure'l :P

que vagi bé el curset i no t'hi perdis!!

Assumpta ha dit...

Jo també vull veure el post per la garrotxina més culé del món!! :-))

Alex. ha dit...

Assumpta, GPS!!

Elur... sorpresa, sorpresa!!!

Assumpta ha dit...

Uaaaaaaaaau!! Navegaràs en un satèl·lit :-))

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Company, quines fotos! M'agrada molt la capçalera. La tardor de vegades és trista pel caure de les fulles... no sé, és com sinónim de mort (o de no-vida). A més el fred que comença a fer també hi contribueix...

Friendship ha dit...

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Both of them pummeled it. The car vanished. Then it flickered back again.
“Hold on!” Ron yelled, and he slammed his foot on the accelerator; they shot straight into the low, woolly clouds and everything turned dull and foggy.
“Now what?” said Harry, blinking at the solid mass of cloud pressing in on them from all sides.
“We need to see the train to know what direction to go in,” said Ron.
“Dip back down again — quickly —”

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Jordi, la tardor no és melancolia, ni tristor, és una de les maneres més belles que té la natura de morir.

Elur, gràcies. No sé quan, però, et caurà un post!!!

A tots. Estic fent un curs de GPS als vespres, durarà varies setmanes, intentaré no oblidar el bloc.

Anònim ha dit...

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Carme, gràcies; encara penso en els teus Plans, a tocar de la Roca Cigalera.

Jordi, la tardor no és melancolia, ni tristor, és una de les maneres més belles que té la natura de morir.

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Company, quines fotos! M'agrada molt la capçalera. La tardor de vegades és trista pel caure de les fulles...

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Company, quines fotos! M'agrada molt la capçalera. La tardor de vegades és trista pel caure de les fulles...

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Following Lenin's death in 1924, Joseph Stalin, an elected General Secretary of the Communist Party, managed to put down all opposition groups within the party and consolidate much power in his hands. Leon Trotsky, the main proponent of the world revolution, was exiled from the Soviet Union in 1929, and Stalin's idea of socialism in one country became the primary line. The continued internal struggle in the Bolshevik party culminated in the Great Purge, a period of mass repressions in 1937–38, in which hundreds of thousands of people were executed, including military leaders convicted in coup d'état plots.[60]
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Toner said Assad’s claim “either says that he’s completely lost any power that he had within Syria -- that he’s simply a tool -- or that he’s completely disconnected with reality.”

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mrblack ha dit...

La tardor prepara una catifa de fulles per donar la benvinguda a l’hivern que es desfà d’amor per la primavera que s’engalana amb flors enlluernada per un estiu que se’n va deixant les portes de la pluja i el vent obertes.
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Dream ha dit...

Harry looked around the bright compartment. Ginny and Neville looked back at him, both very pale.
“But I heard screaming —”
A loud snap made them all jump. Professor Lupin was breaking an enormous slab of chocolate into pieces.
“Here,” he said to Harry, handing him a particularly large piece. “Eat it. It’ll help.”
Harry took the chocolate but didn’t eat it.
“What was that thing?” he asked Lupin.
“A dementor,” said Lupin, who was now giving chocolate to everyone else. “One of the dementors of Azkaban.”
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Zonko’s Joke Shop, into the Three Broom¬sticks for foaming mugs of hot butterbeer, and many places besides.
“The post office, Harry! About two hundred owls, all sitting on shelves, all color-coded depending on how fast you want your let¬ter to get there!”
“Honeydukes has got a new kind of fudge; they were giving out free samples, there’s a bit, look —”
“We think we saw an ogre, honestly, they get all sorts at the Three Broomsticks —”
“Wish we could have brought you some butterbeer, really warms you up —”
“What did you do?” said Hermione, looking anxious. “Did you get any work done?”
“No,” said Harry. “Lupin made me a cup of tea in his office. And then Snape came in. …”
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Dream ha dit...

But exactly what was wonderful about Arithmancy, Harry never found out. At that precise moment, a strangled yell echoed down the boys’ staircase. The whole common room fell silent, staring, petrified, at the entrance. Then came hurried footsteps, growing louder and louder — and then Ron came leaping into view, drag¬ging with him a bedsheet.
“LOOK!” he bellowed, striding over to Hermione’s table. “LOOK!” he yelled, shaking the sheets in her face.
“Ron, what — ?”
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Harry had been wondering the same thing. Why had Black, having got the wrong bed, not silenced Ron and proceeded to Harry? Black had proved twelve years ago that he didn’t mind mur¬dering innocent people, and this time he had been facing five un¬armed boys, four of whom were asleep.
“He must’ve known he’d have a job getting back out of the castle once you’d yelled and woken people up,” said Harry thoughtfully. “He’d’ve had to kill the whole House to get back through the por¬trait hole … then he would’ve met the teachers. …”
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Hermione screamed. Black leapt to his feet. Harry felt as though he’d received a huge electric shock.
“I found this at the base of the Whomping Willow,” said Snape, throwing the cloak aside, careful to keep this wand pointing di¬rectly at Lupin’s chest. “Very useful, Potter, I thank you. …”
Snape was slightly breathless, but his face was full of suppressed triumph. “You’re wondering, perhaps, how I knew you were here?” he said, his eyes glittering. “I’ve just been to your office, Lupin. You forgot to take your potion tonight, so I took a gobletful along. And very lucky I did … lucky for me, I mean. Lying on your desk was a certain map. One glance at it told me all I needed to know. I saw you running along this passageway and out of sight.”
“Severus —” Lupin began, but Snape overrode him.
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Shimer occupies 17,000 square feet (1,580 m2) on the first and second floors of what was formerly the Institute of Gas Technology complex, under a long-term lease agreement with IIT.[38] The complex, designed by van der Rohe, consists of four buildings built between 1947 and 1955. The South building was home to the first industrial nuclear reactor in the U.S

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such as those in the best-selling conduct book The Whole Duty of a Woman (1696), the female companion to The Whole Duty of Man (1657), and Rousseau’s Emile (1762), which both proposed entirely separate educational programs for women, Locke’s Some Thoughts appears far more egalitarian.

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By the time Harry arrived in the kitchen, the three Dursleys were already seated around the table. None of them looked up as he entered or sat down. Uncle Vernon’s large red face was hidden behind the morning’s Daily Mail, and Aunt Petunia was cutting a grapefruit into quarters, her lips pursed over her horselike teeth.
Dudley looked furious and sulky, and somehow seemed to be taking up even more space than usual. This was saying something, as he always took up an entire side of the square table by himself. When Aunt Petunia put a quarter of unsweetened grapefruit onto Dudley’s plate with a tremulous “There you are, Diddy darling,” Dudley glowered at her. His life had taken a most unpleasant turn since he had come home for the summer with his end-of-year report.

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The first woman joined the faculty of the all-male institution amidst controversy in 1968.[58] The Army granted its first honorable discharge to a West Point graduate who claimed conscientious objector status in 1971.[59] The academy struggled to fill its incoming classes as its graduates led troops in Southeast Asia, where 333 graduates died

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In addition to a small salary, Cadets receive meals in the dining halls, and have access to the Internet and a phone in their barracks.[150] The student population was 4,487 cadets for the 2007–2008 academic year. The student body is 15.1% female. 92% of entering students re-matriculated for a second year; the four-year graduation rate was 80% and the six-year rate was 81%.[

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