"El fill de la terra té idees clares i precises del món que entorn seu revolta. Sap l’hora que és, durant el dia pels rellotges del sól segóns la sombra que projecten i, a la nit, els trillons de la volta estrellada li indiquen quan serà l’hora de matines., els núvols ajaçats a l’esquena de les altes muntanyes li senyalen si tindrem pluja o temporal com també coneix els senyals que certament la pressegien. Té el seu “paranostric” que mai s’equivoca i que li fa saber les temporades de plantar la terra conreada, i quan l’hora de replegar la messa és arribada.
La vida a pagès ve a ser un regne apart si es compara amb qualsevol altre estament, sigui d’artesania, la indústria, el comerç o les carreres seguides a la Universitat o al Seminari.
Entorn de la “Masia” s’ha creat un petit regne…"
La Vida a Pagès.
Salvador Vilarrasa i Vall.
Imprenta Maideu.
Ripoll, 1975.
El borinot de la mort
Fa 11 mesos
46 comentaris:
En el regne del camp, els pagesos són súbdits.
el fill de la terra, n'és esclau, com també del cel... això sí, una esclavitud triada lliurement.
els arbres tallats sempre m'han fet pena... pobrets.
M'agraden les fotos de la fusta tallada.
Precioses imatges, un text magnífic i un un vídeo que m'ha agradat moltíssim!
Jarabe de Palo té cançons precioses i jo en tinc una clavadeta al cor que em fa pensar molt en una persona molt petita i molt gran a la vegada a la qual jo voldria poder enviar molta energia és aquesta i la poso aquí, al teu blog, un blog on sempre hi ha positivitat, per veure si a través de les teves muntanyes, els teus arbres i la teva natura, li arriba una mica d'aquesta força :-)
Abolim l'esclavitud! Missatge de la Banyera!
Amkiel, sí, una feina força dura.
Elur, visca la llibertat... que no sempre és fàcil assolir!
Carme, les entranyes de la fusta... sempre tan nobles.
Assumpta, gràcies.
Esperem que li arribin les forces positives!!
Jordi, ...la hipotecària també?
diu en Jordi que t'agradarà, doncs rè, cap aquí que la porto.
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serem lliures mentre tinguem l'opció d'elegir, sigui el que sigui.
Així ho espero jo també :-)
Per cert, quan més em miro les fotos, més m'agraden :-))
Elur, et tinc pendent un post!!!
Assumpta, sens dubte.
Gràcies per tot, les fotos... vull dir!!
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Everyone stared at him. Professor Lupin crumpled up the empty chocolate wrapper and put it in his pocket.
“Eat,” he repeated. “It’ll help. I need to speak to the driver, ex¬cuse me …”
He strolled past Harry and disappeared into the corridor.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Harry?” said Hermione, watching Harry anxiously.
“I don’t get it. … What happened?” said Harry, wiping more sweat off his face.
“Well — that thing — the dementor — stood there and looked around (I mean, I think it did, I couldn’t see its face) — and you — you —”
“I thought you were having a fit or something,” said Ron, who still looked scared. “You went sort of rigid and fell out of your seat and started twitching —”
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The door into the Great Hall stood open at the right; Harry fol¬lowed the crowd toward it, but had barely glimpsed the enchanted ceiling, which was black and cloudy tonight, when a voice called, “Potter! Granger! I want to see you both!”
Harry and Hermione turned around, surprised. Professor McGonagall, Transfiguration teacher and head of Gryffindor House, was calling over the heads of the crowd. She was a stern-looking witch who wore her hair in a tight bun; her sharp eyes were framed with square spectacles. Harry fought his way over to her with a feeling of foreboding: Professor McGonagall had a way of making him feel he must have done something wrong.
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He told them all about the goblet. Ron’s mouth fell open.
“Lupin drank it?” he gasped. “Is he mad?”
Hermione checked her watch.
“We’d better go down, you know, the feast’ll be starting in five minutes. …” They hurried through the portrait hole and into the crowd, still discussing Snape.
“But if he — you know” — Hermione dropped her voice, glancing nervously around — “if he was trying to — to poison Lupin — he wouldn’t have done it in front of Harry.”
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“Right,” said George briskly. “Don’t forget to wipe it after you’ve used it —”
“— or anyone can read it,” Fred said warningly.
“Just tap it again and say, ‘Mischief managed!’ And it’ll go blank.”
“So, young Harry,” said Fred, in an uncanny impersonation of Percy, “mind you behave yourself.”
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“But James Potter insisted on using Black?”
“He did,” said Fudge heavily. “And then, barely a week after the Fidelius Charm had been performed —”
“Black betrayed them?” breathed Madam Rosmerta.
“He did indeed. Black was tired of his double-agent role, he was ready to declare his support openly for You-Know-Who, and he seems to have planned this for the moment of the Potters’ death. But, as we all know, You-Know-Who met his downfall in little Harry Potter. Powers gone, horribly weakened, he fled. And this left Black in a very nasty position indeed. His master had fallen at the very moment when he, Black, had shown his true colors as a traitor. He had no choice but to run for it —”
Neville was in total disgrace. Professor McGonagall was so furi¬ous with him she had banned him from all future Hogsmeade vis¬its, given him a detention, and forbidden anyone to give him the password into the tower. Poor Neville was forced to wait outside the common room every night for somebody to let him in, while the security trolls leered unpleasantly at him. None of these pun¬ishments, however, came close to matching the one his grand¬mother had in store for him. Two days after Black’s break-in, she sent Neville the very worst thing a Hogwarts student could receive over breakfast — a Howler.
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“I’ve told the headmaster again and again that you’re helping your old friend Black into the castle, Lupin, and here’s the proof. Not even I dreamed you would have the nerve to use this old place as your hideout —”
“Severus, you’re making a mistake,” said Lupin urgently. “You haven’t heard everything — I can explain — Sirius is not here to kill Harry —”
“Two more for Azkaban tonight,” said Snape, his eyes now gleaming fanatically. “I shall be interested to see how Dumbledore takes this. … He was quite convinced you were harmless, you know, Lupin … a tame werewolf —”
“You fool,” said Lupin softly. “Is a schoolboy grudge worth putting an innocent man back inside Azkaban?”
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I’m okay, mainly because the Dursleys are terrified you might turn up and turn them all into bats if I ask you to.
A weird thing happened this morning, though. My scar hurt again. Last time that happened it was because Voldemort was at Hogwarts. But I don’t reckon he can be anywhere near me now, can he? Do you know if curse scars sometimes hurt years afterward?
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