dilluns, 22 de març del 2010

Cavall... Fort!!!

81 comentaris:

sànset i utnoa ha dit...

Ostres, Ot el Bruixot!

El meu pare tenia des del primer número del Cavall Fort, i jo en vaig seguir la “tradició familiar” fins fa un temps. Ot el Bruixot i en Jep i en Fidel eren el què primer em llegia.


neus ha dit...

'Cavall fort que viiiiiiiiiiiiiiinc!' cridàvem a l'hora del pati... corríem i saltàvem... 'xurromediamangomangoentero!!!' era el que dèiem tot seguit... i després acabàvem tots per terra quasi cada dia. Fins que un dia, em recordo de poques coses però d'aquesta sí mira, la Nuri es va apartar quan va veure saltar en Mia (que era i és un toro) i la Sandra va acabar amb el front incrustat a la paret o la paret incrustada al front. La Sandra sempre ha sigut molt exagerada, saps? encara n'és... d'una engruna sempre n'ha fet un Everest. I de l'escàndol que va muntar ens van prohibir jugar-hi mai més.
Quan era més joveneta que ara estava enamorada de l'Ot el Bruixot... de fet encara n'estic :)
Unes fotos fantàsticques Àlex, ja se't trobava a faltar!!!!
Una abraçada!

Alex. ha dit...

Sànset i Utnoa... "tradició familiar" envejable!!!

Elur, dius:"...i la Sandra va acabar amb el front incrustat a la paret o la paret incrustada al front. La Sandra sempre ha sigut molt exagerada, saps? encara n'és... d'una engruna sempre n'ha fet un Everest."
Jajajjajajajajajajaja!!!!... ...genial!!
Jo, vaig conèixer Cavall Fort de petit, a la sala d'espera del dentista; inconscientment va ser un tranquil·litzant a l'hora d'anar-hi i un motiu per tornar-hi sense por.
Nomeno a Ot el Bruixot com a nova Icona del Bestiari Anginesc, Incunable de la Literatura Catalana i sobretot... Analgèsic Pediàtric.
Abraçada en forma de Ot el Bruixot!!

òscar ha dit...

Que gran el Cavall Fort!

Mon germà els tenia tots enquadernats i eren la meva lectura favorita quan anava a fer el paperina a una de les botigues de mons pares.

M'agradaven molt en Jan i Trencapins

Alex. ha dit...

Òscar, proposo que la propera Anginescada acabi amb el joc del cavall fort, però, amb cap cap incrustat a la pared!
...joc d'exhibició a Barcelona 2022.

Albert ha dit...

Aquesta és una revista la qual mai m'ha tingut com a subscriptor, però que fa anys fullejava quan m'arribava a les mans, sobretot el Jep i Fidel.

òscar ha dit...

Als Jocs Olímpics Anginescs, a celebrar enguany a l'abadia de Montserrat, a més del Cavall Fort; penso hi haurien de ser presents també el 1,2,3,pedra,paper i tissora, un campionat de pulir cromos de futbol, un recorregut de caniques (xiva, pie bueno, tute i buá), una exhibició de fil.ligraners del jo-jo i, com a esport estrella, un caqui-gol emprant alguna de les arcades com a porteria.
Jo ja portaré la pelo!

PS: al Cavall Fort, no sé perquè Elur, nosaltres deiem churro, media manga, mangotero.

Alex. ha dit...

Albert, és una revista amb varies generacions de lectors, és a dir, en Jep i Fidel, com tots els seus personatges, són alguna cosa més que simples ninots.

Òscar, en veure a Montserrat aquests Jocs Anginescs, els guiris tindràn un concepte força ancestral del tarannà local; sort que la Sagrada Família tornarà a possar a lloc la nostra més que contrastada internacional imatge.
...de tots, em quedo amb el joc del cap incrustat a la pared del Monestir, el Cavall Fort!!!!

Assumpta ha dit...

Començo pel primer que ens ofereixes i, en escoltar a Elton John se'm fa un nus a la gola perquè m'agrada moltíssim i, al mateix temps, em recorda a una persona a la que segur que li encantaria aquest vídeo i que no està passant pels millors moments de la seva vida. (Curiós, quan s'acaba la cançó encara queda més d'un minut de vídeo)

Sembla mentida com n'arriba a ser de poderosa la música, com et pot transportar en un moment a un munt de llocs diferents...

Però després, veig l'acudit i... ric, perquè és boníssim!! Jo el posaria a les portes de tots els museus d'art modern :-)))

Jo deia igual que l'Òscar "Churro, media manga y mangotero" (som així els barcelonins jeje... per tant, si nosaltres ho dèiem així, és que segur que es diu així) :-))

Elur, filla meva, la descripció de "incrustar-se el front a la paret" sembla ser suficient com perquè la pobre criatura plorés, cridés o el que fos que fes :-))

neus ha dit...

ui ui ui Assumpta... jo hi era, è?! i tot plegat tenia un pelat al front amb una pedreta de la paret enganxada... i ja pots comptar, era tan pedreta que quasi no es veia. Clar que ara vist així en la distància, em pregunto si la Sandra és com és degut a l'accident i si ja era així abans... ummm... ho hauré de consultar amb la Nuri, que va tenir remordiments de consciència (per allò d'apartar-se a més córrer) durant poca estona ara que hi penso... que cruels que podem ser a vegades.
Si vinguéssiu al meu cole, us ensenyaria el lloc on va passar tot i si truquéssim al CSI segur que encara hi trobaríem un tros de Sandra... o potser no, ha plogut molt.

Quan hagi d'anar al dentista Àlex m'aniré a comprar uns quants cavalls forts :)

A Barssalona sempre canvieu les coses... sou uns pijus!! jajajajaja

pd.-ais perdoneu è... però aquest raconet avui és l'únic lloc on em sento bé. Gràcies :*
Algun dia us explicaré com vaig deixar a la Nuri sense faldilla enmig del pati... jajajajaja... després de 25 anys, més o menys, encara m'ho retreu!

Alex. ha dit...

Assumpta, encabim Cavall Fort al Museu de Banyoles... el més principal de tots els Museus; l'encabim entre la Feliu i la Rosell.

Elur, llegir Cavall Fort abans de patir un implant és la millor anestèsia!!

òscar ha dit...

Assumpta ... ens han dit "pijus"??? (grrrrrrrr)

O sea, no sé perquè ens dius això Elur!!! :)

Alex. ha dit...

Òscar, encetem el debat: Metròpoli versus Comarques.
... no sé a quin costat veig al Tortell Poltrona, o al Doctor Caparrós, o a les Teresines... i en Jep i Fidel??

òscar ha dit...

Això pot acabar esdevenint una mena de "Vostè jutja" en versió Cavall de Rodes.

Com a testimonis dels urbanites presento a les esmentades Teresines, al senyor Encarregat, Núria Feliu, al Peris i a la Sandra i el seu video.

Alex. ha dit...

...doncs a Comarques encabim, com no!, al de Banyoles, al ja esmentat Dr. Caparrós esdevingut metge de poble, a Guifré el Pelós, en Massagran i a l'Elur.

Assumpta ha dit...

Jejeje jo no sóc pija, gens ni mica! Digueu-li a la Elur, que vosaltres m'heu vist "in person"! :-))

neus ha dit...

aviam el dia que parleu amb el mateix accent que jo us redimiré... mentrestant... doncs.... ummmmmmmmmmmm... vaaaaaaaaaaa... no!

no us preocupeu jo ja sé que conec als xaves que valen la pena, amb els altres ja ni hi parlo, vès.

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i la Sandra va acabar amb el front incrustat a la paret o la paret incrustada al front. La Sandra sempre ha sigut molt exagerada, saps? encara n'és... d'una engruna sempre n'ha fet un Everest. I de l'escàndol que va muntar ens van prohibir jugar-hi mai més.

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Jejeje jo no sóc pija, gens ni mica! Digueu-li a la Elur, que vosaltres m'heu vist "in person"! :-))

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Dec. 8 (Bloomberg) -- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s denial that he ordered the violent crackdown on protesters suggests that he is either a “tool” of others in the regime or he is “completely disconnected” from reality, said U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner.

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But it was visible only for a split second. As though the creature beneath the cloak sensed Harry’s gaze, the hand was suddenly with¬drawn into the folds of its black cloak.
And then the thing beneath the hood, whatever it was, drew a long, slow, rattling breath, as though it were trying to suck some¬thing more than air from its surroundings.
An intense cold swept over them all. Harry felt his own breath catch in his chest. The cold went deeper than his skin. It was inside his chest, it was inside his very heart. …
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Orlov said the protests must focus on challenging Putin's re-election bid. "We can deal a blow on this rule of thieves next March and show the real price to that "national leader,'" he said.
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Numerous Ohio Wesleyan alumni have been associated with social justice. Branch Rickey (1904) was a baseball manager and executive known for signing Jackie Robinson as the first African-American in Major League Baseball.[214] Another graduate, Mary King (1962), worked alongside the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the U.S. civil rights movement when she was a young student, and was a member of the staff of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

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Hermione was leaning away from Ron, looking utterly bewil¬dered. Harry looked down at the sheet Ron was holding. There was something red on it. Something that looked horribly like —
“BLOOD!” Ron yelled into the stunned silence. “HE’S GONE! AND YOU KNOW WHAT WAS ON THE FLOOR?”
“N — no,” said Hermione in a trembling voice.
Ron threw something down onto Hermione’s rune translation. Hermione and Harry leaned forward. Lying on top of the weird, spiky shapes were several long, ginger cat hairs.
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But the dementors don’t affect him, Harry thought, staring into the handsome, laughing face. He doesn’t have to hear my mum screaming if they get too close —
Harry slammed the album shut, reached over and stuffed it back into his cabinet, took off his robe and glasses and got into bed, making sure the hangings were hiding him from view.
The dormitory door opened.
“Harry?” said Ron’s voice uncertainly.
But Harry lay still, pretending to be asleep. He heard Ron leave again, and rolled over on his back, his eyes wide open.
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The gunman fired about 20 rounds before he was killed by Los Angeles police.

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The wall that once separated the room from the ante-chapel was removed, making it accessible from the chapel. The organ was built by J. W. Walker & Sons in 1988;[20] in 1991 the space behind the organ was rebuilt as an oratory and memorial to Newman and the Oxford Movement. A new stained glass window designed by Vivienne Haig and realised by Douglas Hogg was completed and installed in 2001.

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Shimer relocated to the main campus of the Illinois Institute of Technology in 2006, after 25 years at its former Waukegan, Illinois location, which comprised a loose collection of vintage houses, an old YWCA, and an apartment building.[105][106] Then-president Rice believed that the new location would attract a wider pool of students and financial contributors, and would offer expanded student services (such as dining and athletic facilities) and opportunities to cooperate academically with IIT

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Voting members include all students, faculty, administrators, staff and trustees.[132] Alumni are also members but do not vote. The Assembly advises the administration and conducts the business of the college through a system of committees with purview over administration, academic planning, budgeting, admissions, grievances, financial aid, and quality of life.

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Western child-rearing manuals are still dominated by the topics of food and sleep.[20] To convince parents that they must attend to the health of their children above all, Locke quotes from Juvenal's Satires—"a sound mind in a sound body." Locke firmly believed that children should be exposed to harsh conditions while young in order to inure them to, for example, cold temperatures when they were older:

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Reporting from Moscow— Rocked by mass opposition rallies, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin pledged Thursday to slightly loosen the Kremlin's grip on power as he launches his campaign to return to the presidency in a March election.
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Harry’s lamp seemed to grow dimmer as the cold gray light that precedes sunrise slowly crept into the room. Finally, when the sun had risen, when his bedroom walls had turned gold, and when sounds of movement could be heard from Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia’s room, Harry cleared his desk of crumpled pieces of parch¬ment and reread his finished letter.

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Alumni who were killed in the World Trade Center attack include Daniel D. Bergstein (1980),[84] Alan Wayne Friedlander (1967),[85] Marina R. Gertsberg (1993),[86] Aaron J. Horwitz (1994),[87] David S. Lee (1982),[88] Arnold A. Lim (1990),[89] Gregory D. Richards (1988),[90] Maurita Tam (1997)[91] and Michael Warchola (1968).[92] Richard Ben-Veniste (1960) was on the 9/11 Commission.

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the George Bush School of Government and Public Service, the College of Geosciences, and the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. Approximately 8% of the student body had not declared a major.[41]

In the fall 2011 semester, enrollment at Texas A&M surpassed 50,000 for the first time. A record 50,054 students were enrolled on the census day.

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To the west of the railroad tracks lies West Campus, which includes most of the sports facilities, the business school, agricultural programs, life sciences, the veterinary college, the political science and economics school, the George Bush School of Government and Public Service, the George Bush Presidential Library and two schools within the Texas A&M Health Science Center. Research Park, the area of West Campus along Kimbrough Boulevard, includes many research facilities

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The negative outlook reflects ongoing concerns about Belgium's government finances and economic growth prospects in the euro zone due to the debt crisis, Moody's sovereign credit analyst Alexander Kockerbeck told Reuters in an interview.
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General Bernard Adolph Schriever, known as "the architect of the Air Force’s ballistic missile and military space program", became the namesake of Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado.[211][212] General Michael Moseley is a former Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force.[213]

In addition, seven Aggies received the Medal of Honor in World War II

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A failed move by Governor John Connally to have the school placed into the Texas A&M University System, as well as continued disagreement and heated debate regarding the school's new name, kept the name change from being approved.[23][24] In spite of objections by many students and faculty, the Board of Directors again submitted the change in 1969

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ROME/BERLIN (Reuters) - The credit rating agency Fitch has told euro zone countries it believes a comprehensive solution to their debt crisis is beyond reach, putting six euro zone economies including Italy on watch for potential downgrades in the near future.
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The campus, which boasts Spanish Renaissance architecture, was described by American author James A. Michener as the "most beautiful west of the Mississippi until you get to Stanford" and by Stewart Mandel of Sports Illustrated as "easily one of the ten most beautiful campuses" he had seen.[106][107][108][109] Many buildings on campus borrow architectural elements from those found at University de Alcalá in Alcalá de Henares, Spain, and Mission San José in San Antonio

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Universal Records is about to uncork a reissue campaign on November 21 that will give Rush fans a few more 5.1 digital surround sound reboots of albums from the band's classic Mercury Records catalog. The "Sector" Rush reissues will collect all 15 Mercury-era Rush releases in three separate sets, each containing five albums, with a total of 18 discs overall. All of the albums have been freshly remastered and formatted with packaging that mimics the original vinyl LP. Additionally, updated booklets for each release will contain previously unseen photographs along with the original credits and album lyrics. The real meat of these new reissues though will be the brand new 5.1 versions of three signature Rush albums - "Fly By Night", "A Farewell To Kings", and "Signals". There's one hitch, though - the three new releases will be divided up as bonus DVD discs, packaged one per volume across the three volumes of "Sector" reissues.
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To recognize the importance of the Double T to Texas Tech, the class of 1931 donated the Double T bench. Per tradition, freshmen are not allowed to sit on the bench, which is currently located in the courtyard of the Administration Building. The logo is further embodied in the Double T neon sign, donated by the class of 1938 and affixed to the east side of Jones AT&T Stadium. At the time of its purchase, this was reputedly the largest neon sign in existence'

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GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Trade Organization closed its biennial ministerial conference on Saturday with its chairman citing an improved atmosphere in the 153-member club but no concrete moves forward on the Doha round of world trade talks.
Little was expected from the meeting on Doha, a deadlocked negotiation that has caused a crisis of confidence in the global trade body.
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one night?”
“That’s it,” said Mr. Weasley.
“You’ll be paying now, then?” said Mr. Roberts.
“Ah — right — certainly —” said Mr. Weasley. He retreated a short distance from the cottage and beckoned Harry toward him. “Help me, Harry,” he muttered, pulling a roll of Muggle money from his pocket and starting to peel the notes apart. “This one’s a — a — a ten? Ah yes, I see the little number on it now. … So this is a five?”
“A twenty,” Harry corrected him in an undertone, uncomfort¬ably aware of Mr. Roberts trying to catch every word.
“Ah yes, so it is. … I don’t know, these little bits of paper …”
“You foreign?” said Mr. Roberts as Mr. Weasley returned with the correct notes.
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Unlike previous conflicts, the Korean War did not disrupt class graduation schedules. More than half of the army leadership during the war was composed of academy graduates. As a result, 157 alumni perished in the conflict.[52] Garrison H. Davidson became superintendent in 1956 and instituted several reforms that included refining the admissions process, changing the core curriculum to include electives, and increasing the academic degree standards for academy instructors

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All cadets receive commissioning as Second Lieutenants upon graduation, so military and leadership education is nested with academic instruction. Military training and discipline fall under purview of the Office of the Commandant. Entering freshmen, or fourth class cadets, are referred to as New Cadets, and enter the academy on Reception Day or R-day,[125] which marks the start of cadet basic training (CBT), known colloquially as Beast Barracks, or simply Beast

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First class cadets hold the leadership positions within the brigade from the First Captain down to platoon leaders within the companies. Leadership responsibility decreases with the lower classes, with second class cadets holding the rank of cadet sergeant, third class cadets holding the rank of cadet corporal, and fourth class cadets as cadet privates

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To recognize the importance of the Double T to Texas Tech, the class of 1931 donated the Double T bench. Per tradition, freshmen are not allowed to sit on the bench, which is currently located in the courtyard of the Administration Building. The logo is further embodied in the Double T neon sign, donated by the class of 1938 and affixed to the east side of Jones AT&T Stadium. At the time of its purchase, this was reputedly the largest neon sign in existence'active directory restoredual sim android

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