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53 comentaris:
Re-aprendre està del tot bé! Les bones coses oblidades no haurien de marxar mai del cap!
El ninot té una retirada a la Belén Esteban...
Jordi, segur que has reconegut a la Belén Esteban pel nas, i és que aquests ninotaires-folcaires miren massa la tele.
Recorda, a la Banyera... Any Feliunià!!!
uf... ara no he sabut si riure o posar-me nerviosa amb en Grouxo... deu ser aquest vent.
Hi ha un savi que cantava 'aprendre per saber-se desprendre, heus aquí el vell secret'
jo vull fer un ninot de neu!
Elur... a més a més de ser una gran ànima lliure d'ocell felí, series una gran ninotaire-flocaire!!!
Les pelis dels germans Marx farcien de somriures les meves tardes del dissabte al igual que les pelis de "pistolers" les atapaïen d'emocions.
Com el món de la neu i jo sempre hem estat un pèl renyits degut a la meva escasa querència al fred, mai he participat en la gestació de ninotets de neu amb nas de pastanaga.
Hauré d'aprendre (sense el re) a tolerar millor el fred i a veure ninots de neu on hi veig, com el Jordi, una versió millorada de l'Esteban.
I tant que sí.
Tots els anys són bons per reemprendre tasques oblidades!
Òscar, irremeiablement els comentaris, i gràcies a l'apreciació Jordiana, agafen un ritme Belenístic(res a veure amb el Pessebre de Nadal), i això em re-afirma en un any poc rebotit i endolcit, però sí... ninotaire, arrebossat, de banyador, nòmada, en forma de núvol... un altre any Anginesc!!!
Sanset i Utnoa, per sort, no és any de traspàs... un dia menys d'agror!!
Tampoc aniria pas malament aprendre a oblidar.
Oooh!! m'encanten els germans Marx!! :-))
És tan terriblement absurda tota l'escena i tan increiblement divertida!!
Jo també vull fer un ninot de neu!! Avui ha nevat a Reus i tot!! ;-))
Hi ha coses que val la pena oblidar i no tornar a aprendre, però a part d'això, estic d'acord amb el propòsit de l'any 2010.
Amb el fred que fa últimament a tot Catalunya, aquest ninot difícilment es desfarà.
Amkiel, tampoc!
Assumpta, abriga't que el fred encara no marxa.
Albert, ànim amb els examens!
Jordi, segur que has reconegut a la Belén Esteban pel nas, i és que aquests ninotaires-folcaires miren massa la tele.
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And then, from far away, he heard screaming, terrible, terrified, pleading screams. He wanted to help whoever it was, he tried to move his arms, but couldn’t … a thick white fog was swirling around him, inside him —
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NEW YORK (AP) — Lady Gaga was in the Christmas spirit at Z100's annual Jingle Ball concert, but her version of "White Christmas" would have made Bing Crosby blush.
Gaga performed a slightly naughty rendition of the holiday classic Friday night as part of her mini-concert at the radio station's event at Madison Square Garden. Gaga — sporting tight studded leather pants, matching top and a bare midriff — gyrated on a set that included antlers, Christmas trees and holiday lights as she performed "White Christmas."
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Rev. Norman Vincent Peale (1920) was the author of The Power of Positive Thinking and the winner of a Presidential Medal of Freedom for his theological contributions.[215] Others found fame in other forms: Mildred Elizabeth Sisk (aka Axis Sally)
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The increasing government opposition is threatening the deal, with analysts now giving it only a slim chance of going through. Deputy Assistant Attorney General Joe Wayland told U.S. District Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle that there's "not a real transaction" until the companies file again with the FCC, and the government plans to file a motion next week to put off the case.
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"Maybe next year they should hold it on Riker's Island," one of the Facebook posts read, referring to the city's main jail.
At least 20 such comments made on the page may have come from police officers, New York Police Department officials said this week. Internal affairs detectives are interviewing officers under oath and getting subpoenas for computer records. Departmental charges could be brought, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said.
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Even within the group's posts were messages urging caution: "Please keep it focused. This is not a racist rant. This is about us, the cops," one post read.
Lawyers with the Brooklyn Defender Services, a nonprofit public defender service, used the posts to argue the officer who arrested Tyronne Johnson in 2010 in the early morning hours before the rowdy parade may have been biased. The officer was a member of the Facebook group, but didn't post anything. That link was first reported by The New York Times.
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The string of scandals coincides with a review of Japan's Companies Act, instigated by the ruling DPJ, and raises the probability revisions will include making at least one outside director mandatory, despite Keidanren's stance.
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It plans to hold a briefing on Thursday to explain the results, after admitting to a $1.7 billion scheme to hide investment losses stretching back as far as 1998.
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(CNN) -- Occupy protesters succeeded in shutting down overnight operations at California's port of Oakland on Monday night after a day of similar protests in several other U.S. cities.
The protests in Oakland have "disrupted workers trying to get to work and impaired the port's ability to operate," port spokesman Issac Kos-Read told CNN. Craig Merrilees, a spokesman for the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, said the port has told its members not to report for work for the overnight shift because of the mass of protesters at the port.
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During the late 1980s, the chapel was extensively restored with the assistance of donations from Lady Norma Dalrymple-Champneys. During this work, the chandelier, given in 1885 by Provost Shadwell while still a Fellow, was put back in place, the organ was restored, the painting mounted behind the altar, and the chapel repainted. A list of former chaplains and organ scholars was erected in the ante-chapel
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The 120-acre (48.6 ha) campus is centered around 33rd and State Streets, approximately 3 miles (4.8 km) south of the Chicago Loop, in the historic Bronzeville neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago.[109][110] Also known as the Black Metropolis District, the area is a landmark in African-American history for the many notable African-American people and institutions that thrived there in the mid-20th century.
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The New York Times has called Shimer "one of the smallest liberal arts colleges in the United States", and described Shimer students as "... both valedictorians and high school dropouts. What the students share, besides a love of books, is a disdain for the conventional style of education. Many say they did not have a good high school experience."[136] Students tend to be individualistic, creative thinkers, and are encouraged to be questioning and inquisitive
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Officials said Democrats were drafting a new proposal to extend the payroll tax that likely would not include the millionaires' surtax that Republicans opposed almost unanimously.
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On October 2, 2001, the school paper, The Spectator, under Editor in Chief Jeff Orlowski and Faculty Advisor Holly Ojalvo, created a special 24-page full-color 9/11 insert containing student photos, reflections and stories. On November 20, 2001, the magazine was distributed for free in 830,000 copies of The New York Times to the entire New York Greater Metropolitan Area
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In the 2011 U.S. News and World Report ranking of public universities, Texas A&M is listed 19th; among "national universities" the school is 58th.[55][Note 2] According to The Washington Monthly criteria, which considers research, community service, and social mobility, Texas A&M ranks fifth nationally.[56] The John Templeton Foundation listed Texas A&M as one of the thirty-five American college programs that "communicate[s] the values of honesty
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The smartphone maker, which originally planned to release the new devices in the first quarter of next year, also gave a sales and profit forecast that missed analysts' estimates.
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Texas Tech University, often referred to as Texas Tech or TTU, is a public research university in Lubbock, Texas, United States. Established on February 10, 1923, and originally known as Texas Technological College, it is the leading institution of the Texas Tech University System and has the seventh largest student body in the state of Texas. With 1,839 acres (7.44 km2)
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It finally received the legislature's approval on June 6 and the name Texas Tech University went into effect that September.[27] All of the institution's schools, except Law, became colleges.[14][28]
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A large section of the campus built between 1924 and 1951 is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as the Texas Technological College Historic District. This area is roughly bounded by 6th Street on the north, University Avenue on the east, 19th Street on the south, and Flint Street on the west.[111] In 2008, the Professional Grounds Management Society awarded Texas Tech the Grand Award for excellence in grounds-keeping
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One of the most well-known landmarks on campus is the statue of Will Rogers on his horse Soapsuds. The statue, entitled "Riding Into the Sunset", has resided at the center of the campus since it was dedicated on February 16, 1950, by Rogers' longtime friend Amon G. Carter.[178] Carter claimed that Texas Tech was the ideal setting for the statue and that it would be an appropriate addition to the traditions and scenery of West Texas
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Typical examples include Bluestocking Hester Chapone's Letters on the Improvement of the Mind (1773), which went through at least sixteen editions in the last quarter of the 18th century, and the classically-educated historian Catharine Macaulay's Letters on Education (1790).[9] Chapone's work, in particular, appealed to Wollstonecraft at this time and influenced her composition of Thoughts because it argued
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