Dies d'una generosa claredat lluminosa fruit del vent, un silenci preludi del gebrador fred, submergir-se en el lleu sorollar de la natura, olorar la humitat del sotabosc, resseguir amb la mirada la suau dansa d'una fulla... tot badant la tardor.
...i no cal més!
Feu-me aquests exercicis un cop al dia, la millora és immediata!!
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Fa 10 mesos
62 comentaris:
ostres.... quines fotasses Àlex! puc sentir-ne l'olor i tot!
d'això... em puc quedar la primera i la segona? :)
m'has recordat un història preciosa d'Eduardo Galeano:
Siete mujeres se sentaron en círculo. Desde muy lejos, desde su pueblo de Momostenango, Humberto Ak’abal les había traído unas hojas secas, que él había recogido al pie de un árbol.
Cada una de las mujeres quebró una hoja, suavemente, contra el oído.
Una sintió un viento soplándole la oreja. Otra, la fronda que se hamacaba. Otra, un batir de alas de pájaros. Otra dijo que en su oreja llovía. Otra escuchó los pasos de un bichito que
corría. Otra, un eco de risas. Otra, un rumor de aplausos.
Humberto me lo contó, y yo pensé: ¿No será que las hojas muertas susurraron, al oído de las mujeres, la memoria del árbol?
una abraçada!
Bona recepta, doctor, en aquests temps de grips i gripas. Però jo vaig anar a buscar la tardor aquest cap de setmana, i no la vaig trobar. Potser a Tarragona es fa esperar...
Badant la tardor... m'ha agradat. M'agrada la tardor i m'agrada badar, una combinació perfecta, doncs!
Paraula de comprovació: repicar
repicar de fulles?
repicar de tardor?
sorollar de la natura?
Ostreeeeeees Alex!! Quines fotos tardorenques!!
Aquests colors són els més macos del món!!
Jejeje he entrat sense llegir res ni escoltar el YouTube ni res... només veure les fotos m'he emocionat jaja... ara m'ho torno a mirar amb calma ;-)
No sents com una emoció quan veus aquestes coses tan boniques? Jo les veig en foto i ja em quedo... badant... quin títol tan encertat!!
badaré en la tardor, però sols en la que tu ens ofereixes al cavall.
a la tardor del meu dia a dia canfanguero, les oportunitats per badar queden limitades a algun estrany episodi vist pel carrer, una petita historieta viscuda al metro o la carona que posa la meva dona quan s'aïlla llegint un llibre per casa.
bé, aquesta carona tan maca la fa (llegint) a qualsevol època de l'any.
a veure si et decideixes a baixar a la ciutat comtal un dia d'aquests i en jordi i jo et fem de cicerones. segons m'han dit, el parc güell és la pera!
Alex, amb la meva febre i galipàndria que porto a sobre ho he fet i sembla que m'ha anat una mica bé. Continuaré practicant!
Inicio campanya perquè el Cavall de rodes es passi a dir Perezosa de rodes!
Elur, he fruït molt llegint el teu petit relat! Ai! Quedes nominada relatadora oficial a la Perezosa de rodes!
Elur, bonic conte, encabim en Galeano a la Cèl.lula Pirinenca.
D'atansar-me la fulla, jo, hagués vist el Pla de Boavi, el seu bedollar i la seva magnífica màgia!!
Ramon Kokamuskes, tinc, de fa temps, els Ports de Beseit pendents; com que tu ja en deus ser un expert, t'agafo com cicerone d'aquelles contrades!!
Carme, doncs... repiquem badant!!
Tot el que sento de tu, és bo, molt bo, és un sorollar positiu!!
Assumpta, com entusiasta reconeguda de la tardor que ets, sabia que badaries la que més.
Fes-me els exercicis.
Òscar, a can fanga, hi aniré a lloms de la Perezosa, entraré per la Diagonal, deixant-me estimar per la caravana automobilística que darrera meu avançarà un dilluns a quarts de set del matí, tot cantant l'himne anginesc!!
Jordi, segueix-me fent els exercicis, la Mairena ho va deixar i... així li va quedar el careto.
Noms de blocs que em venen al cap ara mateix: La Banyera Mandrosa, La Banyera de Rodes, La Nevera de Rodes, Poltrona a la Banyera, El de Banyoles en Rodes, El de Banyoles a la Nevera, El de Banyoles a la Banyera, Banyoles amb en Poltrona, Poltrona És de Banyoles, Feliu És a la Nevera, Mairena És a la Banyera, El Jordi És a Banyoles...
Recorda, no deixis de fer els exercicis.
Cuida't... si no vols ser clonat!!!
Canvi de capçalera!!! M'encanta!! :-))
On puc trobar sotabosc aquí a Reus per fer els exercicis?
la foto de la capçalera... fa olor!
Assumpta, canvi de capçalera i de format... tu ja m'entens!!
Busca un arbre, qualsevol val, doncs... allà hi ha sotabosc!!!
Elur, al tanto, la foto està viva!!
Ostres!!! Estic veient les reformes en directe!! :-))
Ostres, ostreeeeeeeees!!! com llueixen les fotos!!! :-)))
Exactamen on de l'arbre he de mirar per veure el sotabosc? :-)
Mira els colors... sobretot!
Exactamen on de l'arbre he de mirar per veure el sotabosc? :-)
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Una sintió un viento soplándole la oreja. Otra, la fronda que se hamacaba. Otra, un batir de alas de pájaros. Otra dijo que en su oreja llovía. Otra escuchó los pasos de un bichito que
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Siete mujeres se sentaron en círculo. Desde muy lejos, desde su pueblo de Momostenango, Humberto Ak’abal les había traído unas hojas secas, que él había recogido al pie de un árbol.
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ostres.... quines fotasses Àlex! puc sentir-ne l'olor i tot!
d'això... em puc quedar la primera i la segona? :)
m'has recordat un història preciosa d'Eduardo Galeano:
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“And Professor Lupin stepped over you, and walked toward the dementor, and pulled out his wand,” said Hermione, “and he said, ‘None of us is hiding Sirius Black under our cloaks. Go.’ But the dementor didn’t move, so Lupin muttered something, and a silvery thing shot out of his wand at it, and it turned around and sort of glided away. …”
“It was horrible,” said Neville, in a higher voice than usual. “Did you feel how cold it got when it came in?”
“I felt weird,” said Ron, shifting his shoulders uncomfortably. “Like I’d never be cheerful again. …”
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“There’s no need to look so worried — I just want a word in my office,” she told them. “Move along there, Weasley.”
Ron stared as Professor McGonagall ushered Harry and Hermione away from the chattering crowd; they accompanied her across the entrance hall, up the marble staircase, and along a corridor.
Once they were in her office, a small room with a large, wel¬coming fire, Professor McGonagall motioned Harry and Her¬mione to sit down. She settled herself behind her desk and said abruptly, “Professor Lupin sent an owl ahead to say that you were taken ill on the train, Potter.”
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It had been decorated with hundreds and hundreds of candle-filled pumpkins, a cloud of fluttering live bats, and many flaming orange streamers, which were swimming lazily across the stormy ceiling like brilliant watersnakes.
The food was delicious; even Hermione and Ron, who were full to bursting with Honeydukes sweets, managed second helpings of everything. Harry kept glancing at the staff table. Professor Lupin looked cheerful and as well as he ever did; he was talking animat¬edly to tiny little Professor Flitwick, the Charms teacher. Harry moved his eyes along the table, to the place where Snape sat. Was he imagining it, or were Snape’s eyes flickering toward Lupin more often than was natural?
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Harry stood there, gazing at the miraculous map. He watched the tiny ink Mrs. Norris turn left and pause to sniff at something on the floor. If Filch really didn’t know … he wouldn’t have to pass the dementors at all. …
But even as he stood there, flooded with excitement, something Harry had once heard Mr. Weasley say came floating out of his memory.
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“Filthy, stinkin’ turncoat!” Hagrid said, so loudly that half the bar went quiet.
“Shh!” said Professor McGonagall.
“I met him!” growled Hagrid. “I musta bin the last ter see him before he killed all them people! It was me what rescued Harry from Lily an’ James’s house after they was killed! Jus’ got him outta the ruins, poor little thing, with a great slash across his forehead, an’ his parents dead … an’ Sirius Black turns up, on that flyin’ motorbike he used ter ride. Never occurred ter me what he was doin’ there. I didn’ know he’d bin Lily an’ James’s Secret-Keeper. Thought he’d jus’ heard the news o’ You-Know-Who’s attack an’ come ter see what he could do. White an’ shakin’, he was. An’ yeh know what I did? I COMFORTED THE MURDERIN’ TRAITOR!” Hagrid roared.
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“Oh, well — you know — working hard,” said Hermione. Close-up, Harry saw that she looked almost as tired as Lupin.
“Why don’t you just drop a couple of subjects?” Harry asked, watching her lifting books as she searched for her rune dictionary.
“I couldn’t do that!” said Hermione, looking scandalized.
“Arithmancy looks terrible,” said Harry, picking up a very com¬plicated-looking number chart.
“Oh no, it’s wonderful!” said Hermione earnestly. “It’s my fa¬vorite subject! It’s —”
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Ron and Hermione watched Harry nervously all through din¬ner, not daring to talk about what they’d overheard, because Percy was sitting close by them. When they went upstairs to the crowded common room, it was to find Fred and George had set off half a dozen Dungbombs in a fit of end-of-term high spirits. Harry, who didn’t want Fred and George asking him whether he’d reached Hogsmeade or not, sneaked quietly up to the empty dormitory and headed straight for his bedside cabinet. He pushed his books aside and quickly found what he was looking for — the leather-bound photo album Hagrid had given him two years ago, which was full of wizard pictures of his mother and father. He sat down on his bed, drew the hangings around him, and started turning the pages, searching, until …
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Harry was glad Ron took this view. If the one-eyed witch was boarded up too, he would never be able to go into Hogsmeade again.
Ron had become an instant celebrity. For the first time in his life, people were paying more attention to him than to Harry, and it was clear that Ron was rather enjoying the experience. Though still severely shaken by the night’s events, he was happy to tell any¬one who asked what had happened, with a wealth of detail.
“… I was asleep, and I heard this ripping noise, and I thought it was in my dream, you know? But then there was this draft … I woke up and one side of the hangings on my bed had been pulled down. … I rolled over … and I saw him standing over me … like a skeleton, with loads of filthy hair … holding this great long knife, must’ve been twelve inches … and he looked at me, and I looked at him, and then I yelled, and he scampered.
“Why, though?” Ron added to Harry as the group of second-year girls who had been listening to his chilling tale departed. “Why did he run?”
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Black made a derisive noise.
“It served him right,” he sneered. “Sneaking around, trying to find out what we were up to … hoping he could get us ex¬pelled. …”
“Severus was very interested in where I went every month.” Lupin told Harry, Ron, and Hermione. “We were in the same year, you know, and we — er — didn’t like each other very much. He especially disliked James. Jealous, I think, of James’s talent on the Quidditch field … anyway Snape had seen me crossing the grounds with Madam Pomfrey one evening as she led me toward the Whomping Willow to transform. Sirius thought it would be — er — amusing, to tell Snape all he had to do was prod the knot on the tree trunk with a long stick, and he’d be able to get in after me. Well, of course, Snape tried it — if he’d got as far as this house, he’d have met a fully grown werewolf — but your father, who’d heard what Sirius had done, went after Snape and pulled him back, at great risk to his life … Snape glimpsed me, though, at the end of the tunnel. He was forbidden by Dumbledore to tell anybody, but from that time on he knew what I was. …”
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“So that’s why Snape doesn’t like you,” said Harry slowly, “be¬cause he thought you were in on the joke?”
“That’s right,” sneered a cold voice from the wall behind Lupin.
Severus Snape was pulling off the Invisibility Cloak, his wand pointing directly at Lupin.
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Some of Locke's contemporaries, such as seventeenth-century German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Leibniz, believed this as well; Leibniz argued that Some Thoughts superseded even the Essay in its impact on European society.[54]
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Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia had managed to find excuses for his bad marks as usual: Aunt Petunia always insisted that Dud¬ley was a very gifted boy whose teachers didn’t understand him, while Uncle Vernon maintained that “he didn’t want some swotty little nancy boy for a son anyway.” They also skated over the accu¬sations of bullying in the report — “He’s a boisterous little boy, but he wouldn’t hurt a fly!” Aunt Petunia had said tearfully.
However, at the bottom of the report there were a few well-chosen comments from the school nurse that not even Uncle Ver¬non and Aunt Petunia could explain away. No matter how much Aunt Petunia wailed that Dudley was big-boned, and that his poundage was really puppy fat, and that he was a growing boy who needed plenty of food, the fact remained that the school outfitters didn’t stock knickerbockers big enough for him anymore. The school nurse had seen what Aunt Petunia’s eyes — so sharp when it came to spotting fingerprints on her gleaming walls, and in ob¬serving the comings and goings of the neighbors — simply refused to see: that far from needing extra nourishment, Dudley had reached roughly the size and weight of a young killer whale.
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